A lot of this list is shamelessly plagiarized from Michael Pollan. It is merely a condensed version that is meant to be posted in lots of places to remind yourself constantly of lifestyle choices. Thanks Michael, for all amazing work you have done making the Slow Food Movement a part of the mainstream consciousness.
Eat Food. Mainly Plants.
Eat locally grown seasonal food.
Eat clean unprocessed food you prepare yourself..
Eat food that was made by people not machines.
Eat food that contains ingredients you would find in your pantry .
Eat food that your great-grandmother would recognize.
Eat foods found in nature and that will rot .
Eat your colors.
Eat snacks that are unprocessed.
Eat when you are hungry and then eat slowly…
Eat deliberately and consciously
Eat less than you think you need.
Eat meals that take as long to enjoy as to prepare.
Eat junk food if you cook it yourself.
Eat food that was made in a traditional manner.
Eat meat, animal flesh, animal products as a special occasion or flavoring treat.
Eat alone as rarely as possible. Eat with family, friends, community whenever possible.
If you do eat flesh, eat happy flesh.
Don’t be afraid of good oils.
Don’t eat anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup or Trans Fats.
Don’t eat anything that arrives through your car window.
Don’t eat anything with sugar or sweet stuff in the first seven ingredients.
Don’t eat food that make health claims, including low fat or ‘lite’ or pretends to be something else.
Don’t have it in the house if you don’t want to put it in your body.
Make Peace with your choices.
*This entire document is shamelessly plagiarized from Michael Pollan’s “Food Rules.”
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